Cowhand Supply House

In late January, the Working Ranch Cowboys Association announced the release of its DVD of the 2017 World Championship Ranch Rodeo. Almost immediately, I ordered my copy. As I clicked through the WRCA’s Cowhand Supply House, all sorts of other tempting merchandise caught my eye.

I had to add a couple of the 2017 team brand shirts to my cart. They’re a great keepsake to commemorate our team’s qualification to Amarillo. I noticed the 2017 contestant jackets as well with the back number logo, which we received as part of our qualification but anyone can buy.

The most clever new product I saw, though, was a takeoff of the popular Bud Light “Dilly, Dilly” commercial. A t-shirt emblazoned with the phrase, “Dally, Dally.” I’m always a sucker for cowboy takes on pop culture. I also noticed some new coffee mugs (goes great with Black Buffalo’s Ranch Hand Blend Coffee, by the way). They’re campfire-inspired, available in speckled red, black and white with the WRCA logo.

For the ladies, there are all sorts of fashion-forward t-shirts and tops in Aztec, burnout, and other styles with the various WRCA logos. For guys, there are t-shirts-long and short-sleeved-as well as classy-looking button downs with the traditional WRCA logo. Ball caps, coolers, decals, stickers, and koozies round out the goodies for sale on the site.

When my package showed up, I immediately loaded the DVD to watch the rodeo. Of course, as a fan it’s great watching. It’s a simple house feed with no graphics or editing, so it’s as if the viewer is sitting in the stands listening to Randy Lewis and Bob Tallman call the action. Each DVD features one night’s performance. On these cold-and short-winter days in Colorado where I live, watching the WCRR was a great way to pass the long evenings. Plus, being in the rodeo, I didn’t get to see every run and ride while preparing for my own turn.

And while simply watching is entertaining, as a competitor I found myself comparing our team’s performance to what the eventual top-placing teams did. There were little tips and tricks I think we can incorporate into our strategy for 2018.

So, whether it’s checking out last year’s rodeo, or showing your support for the WRCA, the Cowhand Supply House has something you’ll be proud to wear, display, or enjoy.