2024 World Championship Ranch Rodeo | Round 1 Results

  • November 16, 2024

Ranch Bronc Riding

brought to you by Plains Land Bank

Ranch Team Score
Beachner Bros Livestock / Mill Creek/
Blackmore / Rail 3 AZ85
Buford Ranches (Rock Creek Division)75.5
Burns Ranch83
Cameron Livestock / Orme Ranch/
Circle M8 Land & Cattle79.5
Cook Canyon Ranch79.5
Daube Ranch / 3C Cattle Company/
EC Cattle Co. / Mule Creek Cattle82
Four Sixes Ranch – Dixon Creek77
Jolly Ranch / S&L Cattle Co.82.5
Lochhead Cattle Co87
Meier Cattle Company / 4-E Livestock83.5
Muleshoe Ranch / Hatchet Ranch82.5
Pettigrew Ranch / White Ranch79
Rocking P Cattle / S&P Cattle79
Sandhill Cattle Co./ McMillen Ranch67
Singleton Ranches72.5
Slash K Cattle Co.72
Snyder Ranch / Woolfolk Ranch81
Sooner Cattle Company/
Thompson Ranch81.5
Turkey Track Division – Bogie Ltd. / Barrow Ranch75
Wilson Cattle LIC/
Winders Cattle Company / Perrin Cattle Co.75

Stray Gathering

brought to you by Capital Farm Credit

Ranch Team Time
Beachner Bros Livestock / Mill Creek87.57
Blackmore / Rail 3 AZnt
Buford Ranches (Rock Creek Division)60.94
Burns Ranchnt
Cameron Livestock / Orme Ranch65.85
Circle M8 Land & Cattle50.11
Cook Canyon Ranchnt
Daube Ranch / 3C Cattle Companynt
EC Cattle Co. / Mule Creek Cattle51.82
Four Sixes Ranch – Dixon Creeknt
Jolly Ranch / S&L Cattle Co.nt
Lochhead Cattle Co58.26
Meier Cattle Company / 4-E Livestocknt
Muleshoe Ranch / Hatchet Ranch58.99
Pettigrew Ranch / White Ranch101.63
Rocking P Cattle / S&P Cattlent
Sandhill Cattle Co./ McMillen Ranch56.05
Singleton Ranchesnt
Slash K Cattle Co.62.61
Snyder Ranch / Woolfolk Ranchnt
Sooner Cattle Companynt
Thompson Ranch64.43
Turkey Track Division – Bogie Ltd. / Barrow Ranch64.64
Wilson Cattle LIC65.05
Winders Cattle Company / Perrin Cattle Co.nt

Team Penning

brought to you by Texas Tech Ranch Management

Ranch Team Time
Beachner Bros Livestock / Mill Creek151.15 on 2
Blackmore / Rail 3 AZnt
Buford Ranches (Rock Creek Division)69.37 on 3
Burns Ranch75.19 on 3
Cameron Livestock / Orme Ranch82.84 on 3
Circle M8 Land & Cattle91 on 3
Cook Canyon Ranch61.82 on 3
Daube Ranch / 3C Cattle Companynt
EC Cattle Co. / Mule Creek Cattle57.01 on 3
Four Sixes Ranch – Dixon Creek82.47 on 3
Jolly Ranch / S&L Cattle Co.94.96 on 3
Lochhead Cattle Cont
Meier Cattle Company / 4-E Livestock77.02 on 3
Muleshoe Ranch / Hatchet Ranch58.98 on 3
Pettigrew Ranch / White Ranchnt
Rocking P Cattle / S&P Cattle74.82 on 3
Sandhill Cattle Co./ McMillen Ranch54.15 on 3
Singleton Ranches98.33 on 3
Slash K Cattle Co.61.63 on 3
Snyder Ranch / Woolfolk Ranch61.61 on 3
Sooner Cattle Company66.29 on 3
Thompson Ranch56.22 on 3
Turkey Track Division – Bogie Ltd. / Barrow Ranch43.64 on 3
wilson Cattle LIC90.86 on 3
Winders Cattle Company / Perrin Cattle Co.n/t

Wild Cow Milking

brought to you by ADM Animal Nutrition

Ranch Team Time
Beachner Bros Livestock / Mill Creek45.2
Blackmore / Rail 3 AZ60.82
Buford Ranches (Rock Creek Division)53.4
Burns Ranch58.24
Cameron Livestock / Orme Ranch73.93
Circle M8 Land & Cattle45.31
Cook Canyon Ranchnt
Daube Ranch / 3C Cattle Company61.28
EC Cattle Co. / Mule Creek Cattle58.08
Four Sixes Ranch – Dixon Creek49.38
Jolly Ranch / S&L Cattle Co.40.42
Lochhead Cattle Cont
Meier Cattle Company / 4-E Livestocknt
Muleshoe Ranch / Hatchet Ranch51.25
Pettigrew Ranch / White Ranch56.71
Rocking P Cattle / S&P Cattle40.77
Sandhill Cattle Co./ McMillen Ranch45.36
Singleton Ranches58.48
Slash K Cattle Co.49.83
Snyder Ranch / Woolfolk Ranch63.07
Sooner Cattle Company34.18
Thompson Ranchnt
Turkey Track Division – Bogie Ltd. / Barrow Ranch52.77
wilson Cattle LIC79.59
Winders Cattle Company / Perrin Cattle Co.n/t

Team Branding

brought to you by Express Scale Services

Ranch Team Time
Beachner Bros Livestock / Mill Creek36.83
Blackmore / Rail 3 AZ43.43
Buford Ranches (Rock Creek Division)50.36
Burns Ranch45.89
Cameron Livestock / Orme Ranch70.23
Circle M8 Land & Cattle50.28
Cook Canyon Ranch81
Daube Ranch / 3C Cattle Company44.34
EC Cattle Co. / Mule Creek Cattle55.99
Four Sixes Ranch – Dixon Creek99.94
Jolly Ranch / S&L Cattle Co.48.1
Lochhead Cattle Co45.82
Meier Cattle Company / 4-E Livestock46.64
Muleshoe Ranch / Hatchet Ranch47.93
Pettigrew Ranch / White Ranch50.16
Rocking P Cattle / S&P Cattle47.67
Sandhill Cattle Co./ McMillen Ranch73.28
Singleton Ranches60.93
Slash K Cattle Co.nt
Snyder Ranch / Woolfolk Ranch132.75
Sooner Cattle Company52.13
Thompson Ranch52.69
Turkey Track Division – Bogie Ltd. / Barrow Ranch33.87
Wilson Cattle LLC54.25
Winders Cattle Company / Perrin Cattle Co.85.91