Hello everybody. Welcome to the 27th Annual WRCA World Championship Ranch Rodeo. It has been another crazy year! We are still dealing with COVID outbreaks, the price of fuel is high, some of our country is wet and some of it is in a bad drought, interest rates are climbing day by day, and the stock market is down.
That being said, it reminds me of a saying a friend of mine once told me: “Things generally work out the best for those who make the best of the way things work out!”
That pretty well sums up the way we in the ranching and cowboy world look at things. Our glass is always at least half full. This is one of the reasons that we are all here this week at the Championships. Whether you are here as a contestant, spectator, vendor, volunteer, staff, or board member, I am sure glad to see you all here.
We have another great rodeo in store, and we will crown a new set of world champions. But that isn’t the only reason we are all here. The whole idea behind WRCA and the rodeo is to raise money to put ranch kids through college and help ranch families in times of crisis. Over the past 27 years the WRCA and WRCA Foundation have gifted close to $6.7 million in the form of scholarships and crisis funding given to ranch people in times of need.
So, enjoy the rodeo and trade show and all the rest of the activities during the week and know that every dollar you spend here this week in one way or another goes to a very good cause. I think the folks that started this ball rolling almost 30 years ago would be very proud of what it has vecine and all the people that is has helped over the years. The WRCA Championship to me is way more than just another rodeo, it is really more like a big reunion of old friends. We all see people here who we don’t get to see the rest of the year. It is sure a great place to visit and catch up with old friends.
I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming to Amarillo and the WRCA World Championship Ranch Rodeo. I hope you all enjoy this get-together and have safe travels back home.