Message from the President

  • November 11, 2021

Welcome to the 26th annual WRCA World Championship Ranch Rodeo! As I write this letter, I look back a year ago at the letter I wrote in the middle of the Covid crisis, and I realize what an uncertain and trying time that was. But the main thing that jumps out at me is the resilience and strength the members, ranch teams, staff, board members, vendors, volunteers and attendees all demonstrated. Just like they do every day in their life’s work, everyone looked at the challenge ahead, said a prayer, made a plan and went to work.

It wasn’t easy and we have all lost friends and family members to the disease called Covid. One of our own, Earl Kuhn (who has been a board member ever since WRCA came into being), spent weeks in the hospital on a respirator and a month rehabilitating. But, just like Earl, we are getting through it. Once again, the human spirit will prevail, the good Lord willing.

So now let’s take some time to celebrate. We have a great rodeo planned with one of the highlights being an all-new Youth World Championship Ranch Rodeo! In the spirit of passing the skills and values of our ranching lifestyle on to the next generation, we want to be there to help mentor these kids. I think we have heard enough about ‘the last of a dying breed’ over the past 150 years. We need to be the guardian of the ‘breed’ for generations to come.

The event has been helping cowboys and their families during difficult times for more than a quarter of a century. At the same time, the WRCA Foundation has helped hundreds of men and women with their college tuitions through the foundation’s scholarship awards.

If you are a member of WRCA, we say thank you for all you do to help. If you aren’t a member yet, we want you to join us! Stop by the WRCA booth on the concourse and join up!

I feel kind of like a cowboy does when the blizzard finally lays down or good rains come after a drought. You know there’s lots of work to be done plowing to your cows and getting them fed or putting in water gaps. But you’ve done it before you know it can be done and you’re anxious to get after it. Sort of puts a smile on your face, doesn’t it? So, like I said last year, ‘rare back and let ‘er buck.”

John Welch
WRCA President