Shawn Goemmer Elected President of WRCA
The Working Ranch Cowboys Association board of directors recently elected Shawn Goemmer as its new president. Goemmer, his wife, and their two daughters live in Battle Mountain, Nevada.
“Shawn and the entire Goemmer family have given so much to WRCA over the years. They are ranchers and that brings a certain understanding,” said Leman Wall WRCA association manager. “He is respected by his peers, and we are fortunate to have him lead the association.”
Goemmer has been involved with WRCA, in one form or another, almost since its inception. He first attended the World Championship Ranch Rodeo as a spectator during its second year, and has since been a competitor, judge, board member and now president—a position Goemmer says he’s humbled to hold.
“It’s a real honor when people have that kind of faith in you,” he says.

The fifth-generation rancher’s agricultural roots run deep. Goemmer’s family homesteaded in Colorado in the early 1870s and he grew up on the family ranch. He had a successful high school rodeo career and studied ag business at Western Texas College in Snyder. Ranching and cowboying have taken Goemmer throughout the West, and he currently has leased and owned land in Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. He is also a Gold Card member of the PRCA and has been on the board of directors for the Arizona Cowpunchers Crisis Fund for 20 years.
With strong lifelong ties in the ranching community, Goemmer is intimately aware of the livelihood’s unique challenges, and how the WRCA can make a difference through the Foundation.
“Most everyone who ranches or cowboys in the Western United States know of WRCA and ‘that big ranch rodeo in Amarillo,’ but we’re more than a rodeo,” he says. “I want more people to realize that we do what we do for a bigger purpose— it’s to put ranch kids through college and help families in time of need. I have strong Western values and I’m a longtime believer in what WRCA does. I’m proud of what’s been accomplished in the past and I’m excited for what we’ll accomplish in the future.”
Other elected WRCA officers include:
Earl Kuhn, Vice-President from Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Grant Mitchell, Secretary from Lamy, New Mexico
Randy Whipple, Treasurer from Amarillo, Texas