WRCA Bronc Ride Morning Routine Game

  • April 30, 2014

Earn a Chance To Meet Granger Smith and Earl Dibbles Jr.

Record and Submit your own “Morning Routine”

Earn a chance to meet country music star Granger Smith, plus hotel accommodations, limo ride to the CRBR14 Riding & Barn Dance, 6 box seats, $75 Gift Certificate to Cavender’s Boot City and much more when you submit a video or audio entry of a “Morning Routine” inspired by the Country Boy, Earl Dibbles Jr.!


WRCA’s Own Pearl Dibbles “Morning Routine”

Details: Championship Ranch Bronc Riding (Adrian Buckaroogirl)


Enter your own “Morning Routine”, inspired by our own take with Pearl Dibbles (Kaycee Hooper of the WRCA) or like the Country Boy, Earl Dibbles Jr. It can be created as a video or audio (use video on sites like YouTube for best results). Post your entryon our Facebook page or to any WRCA-managed social media site including our Twitter @WRCARodeo, YouTube (www.youtube.com/wrcarodeo) or on our website comments below.

UPDATED: Your entry must include mention of the WRCA and Bronc Ride at least once. Game Runs from May 1 – May 22 (entries taken until midnight. The winning entry will be taken from a top 5 selected by a panel of WRCA judges. Then, we will post the top 5 out to our Facebook page, and other sites listed above for a vote. The top entry with the most votes to be determined by the WRCA will be announced at the announcement party on May 23 at the Holiday Inn Medical Center at 7:30 p.m.

Grand Prize Package includes – 2 nights stay at Holiday Inn Medical Center, Limo Ride to the Bronc Riding & Barn Dance, 6 Box Seats with Complementary Drinks, meet-n-greet with Granger Smith and Adrian Buckaroo Girl, VIP Access Badges, Bud Light Special Edition electric guitar and $75 Gift Certificate to Cavender’s Boot City.

Bud Light Special Edition Guitar