WRCA Foundation Mission Statement
More About What the Foundation Does

Health issues
Work-related accidents

Natural Disaster
Awarded on an annual basis
Deadline: March 1
The mission of the WRCA Foundation’s Crisis Fund is to provide financial and other assistance to working ranch cowboys and their families who are suffering significant hardship and who are not otherwise able to provide for their immediate needs.
A working ranch cowboy is defined as any person, male or female, deriving a significant portion of his or her income from taking care of cattle on a cattle ranch. Day workers are included.
Your donations help us continue the work of supporting the working ranch cowboy and their immediate family.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I make a one-time donation?
Yes, one time donations are welcome. You can also set up a payment option that meets your needs (i.e. monthly or yearly). Donate today. Or contact us for more details.
Can I specify my gift for a particular person or fund?
There are a variety of options available. Donations can be specified as in memoriam or in honor of a person(s). Donations can be specified to go into the general fund – which means the money will be allocated based on area of need; or your donation can be specified to go into either crisis or scholarship as you determine. Please call (806) 374-9722 to discuss all our donation options in more detail.
How can I learn about the impact of the Foundation?
Contact us by phone +1 (806) 374-9722 or follow our Foundation Posts and Facebook page to see stories from real students and families in crisis.