Top 10 Jobs Cowboys Hate | The WRCA Blog

As this is written, an Arctic front has brought brutally cold temperatures to the northern tier of ranching country. Not being able to ride for an extended period of time can sure make a cowboy feel a lot more like a farmhand than a Knight of the Plains. As such, it got me to thinking about all the jobs a cowboy/rancher has to do that just don’t feel very cowboy. So, here’s my top 10 list of jobs cowboys hate. What did I forget?

10. Fixing fence.

9. Chopping ice.

8. Digging up and fixing broken water lines.

7. Chopping firewood.

6. Trail riding with the owner and his good-time buddies.

5. Cleaning stalls/pens/the shop/trailers/trucks, etc.

4. Any form of farming (irrigating, haying, harvesting).

3. Working cattle with a 4-wheeler.

2. Fixing broken mechanical equipment.

1.Fixing a brokedown 4-wheeler just after you put in a new H-brace on the backside of the ranch with the boss’s son. That’s a bad day.


photo courtesy Library of Congress